Beachcourts in The Hague

In The Hague there are 2 indoor beach halls to play beachvolley during the winter. There are special beach courts and spacious beaches to play outdoor beachvolly during the summer. See the Agenda when beach events take place. See Beachcourts for an inventorization of locations for beachvolley in The Hague.


A quiet and sheltered beachcourt with 4 courts.

This is another trainings location of the Beachvolleybalschool. Also the location for the smaller tournaments.

Website Beachvolleyball School

4 courts

The courts are favourably situated between blocks of flats and the Segbroek College.

At the community centre you can find the dressing rooms and the toilets (in case the community centre is open).

Beachcourt The HUB

Beachcourt The HUB

To get to Beachcourt The HUB

📌 Route The HUB on Openstreetmap

P Park at the Zonnebloemstraat, 2.60 Euro per hour (18:00 - 24:00).

HTM Tram 3 or 34, exit at stop Zonnebloemstraat, 5 minutes walk

Public Transport The Hague

Parking and costs in The Hague

How to find the entrance of The HUB

To get at The HUB take the entrance between the blocks of flats at the Zonnebloemstraat.

Entrance The HUB

Entrance The HUB

📌 Route The HUB on Openstreetmap

To rent beachcourts at The HUB

De Beachvolleybalschool veldhuur, to rent a beachcourt.


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